Veterans Day – Honoring All Who Served

Veterans Day – Honoring All Who Served

As a mission-driven company, service is always at the forefront of the work that we do. This Veterans Day, Cloudburst recognizes the countless sacrifices and acts of service made by veterans, in the past and present. As we reflect on this, we asked our colleague Joel Warren to share some thoughts on what his service means to him.   

“When I think back on my time as a diesel mechanic in the Marine Corps, I realize that these experiences have shaped much of who I am today. Humility is a value that is baked into service—both service with and service for others. My experiences in the service have provided me ample opportunities to practice humility. From working alongside the Iraqi Army in Fallujah to the mundane standing in formation for hours, humility is present. 

Though a considerable amount of time has passed since my time in the Marine Corps, those values I was taught and practiced are useful in my work today at Cloudburst. Following the devastating flooding and extensive loss of power in Louisiana from Hurricane Ida early this year, I was called upon to support the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Disaster Recovery technical assistance efforts. During a field assignment to Louisiana to support disaster shelter transition within the impacted areas, I worked in partnership with the American Red Cross. Day in and day out, I strove to understand a household’s housing situation and potential barriers to safe and secure housing and work to help get them connected with the support systems they needed. It is impossible to truly comprehend the amount of loss experienced by families following a natural disaster, but my experiences in the Marine Corps and the stresses of being deployed to a combat zone have provided me with a perspective that I find incredibly helpful when I get the opportunity to work with households and communities working through post-disaster issues.

On this Veterans Day, I am thinking of the people that served, the multitude of skills and character traits that are forged during service, and how grateful I am to be in a position to continue serving others. 

For me, this day serves as a reminder of how an act of service can never be too small.” —Joel Warren

At Cloudburst, we are proud to support our colleague Joel Warren and honor his service to the Marines and his ongoing commitment to serve others.

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