Our Public Health practice promotes effective public and behavioral health services for vulnerable populations. Our science- and evidence-based approach improves program performance, enables programs to rigorously demonstrate that improvement, and communicate their successes to their key stakeholders using program data.
We work with the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), as well as other state/local/tribal governments and community organizations. The wide-ranging assistance we have provided includes evaluating the effectiveness of Naloxone distribution and training/education systems to combat opiate addiction and response; and assessing behavioral health treatment interventions.
In addition, we have helped prevent and respond to tuberculosis, Hepatitis and COVID-19 outbreaks in communities; analyzed measures to improve the resiliency of sexually-transmitted disease programs in a climate of declining budgets; provided training and technical assistance on the collection, management and use of performance measurement data; convened stakeholders to gather information needed to formulate health care policy; informed injury prevention through public health communications campaigns; and addressed health disparities in communities by alleviating barriers to needed health supports.
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