The Rental Assistance Demonstration (RAD) is a program administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that allows public housing agencies (PHAs) to convert public housing units into affordable homes in partnership with private entities.
Recently the RAD program hit a significant milestone — $20 billion in total construction investment. So, what does this mean?
More than 500 public housing authorities and their partners have used RAD to preserve, modernize, or replace over 212,000 homes initially built as public housing.
How many people has RAD helped?
An estimated 577,000 low-income individuals, families, the elderly, and persons with disabilities secure decent, safe, and affordable housing for the long term.
To witness the impact of the RAD program on the lives of everyday residents, please watch the video below created by the Cloudburst Group for HUD. Link to video:
The Cloudburst Group is honored to share the stories of the tremendous work HUD’s RAD program has accomplished to improve the lives of its residents.
Learn more about RAD:
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