Environmental Compliance Support Services (ECSS) II
Environment and Climate Resiliency

Monitoring site visit to USAID project beneficiary- Herb and Spice grant for Medicinal and Aromatic Plant Collection and Post-Harvest Handling Facility. Photo Credit: Julie Appelhagen. Location: Albania
The Cloudburst Group is working with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Bureau for Europe and Eurasia (E&E) to fulfill requirements of US Government environmental regulations regarding environmental impacts of US-funded activities overseas. Our staff provide critical and demand driven support to the E&E Bureau leveraging their vast expert knowledge of environmental regulations and policies as they apply to USAID programs including the Agency’s National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) implementing regulation 22CFR216 (Reg. 216), the Foreign Assistance Act Section 119 addressing Biodiversity, the Pelosi Amendment (Title XIII) relating to Multilateral Development Banks (MDB), and relevant Chapters of the USAID’s Automated Directive System (ADS).
ECSS II is a follow-on contract to the original contract awarded in 2008. Our staff review and analyze projects for environmental impacts, provide expert review and preparation of compliance documents, review Biodiversity Analyses, monitor MDB projects throughout the E&E region, and maintain a robust suite of knowledge management tools. The project also provides access to subject matter experts through short term technical assistance in an array of environmental fields including USAID / U.S. Government Environmental Regulations, Environmental Management Systems, Pollution Prevention / Cleaner Production, Environmental Due Diligence (EDD), Environmental Impacts, Industrial and Utility Infrastructure, Coastal Zone Management, Environmental Policy, Pesticides, Biodiversity, and Agriculture / Agro Systems to meet the challenging compliance needs of the E&E Bureau.
We provide USAID Missions with Environmental Compliance Training for USAID project staff, contract officers, and implementers as well as undertake mitigation and monitoring site visits to USAID project sites.