Environmental Review Analyst
Harrison Martin-O’Brien is an Environmental Review Analyst in The Cloudburst Group’s Housing and Community Development Practice area. His primary responsibilities include providing supporting and building grantee capacity to advance and sustain environmental compliance,while also providing direct support to HUD’s Office of Environment and Energy. Mr. Martin-O’Brien has several years of experience in the public sector, primarily working in housing and community development, specializing in planning, environmental policy, public finance, and federal compliance. As a Housing and Community Development Planner with DuPage County, IL, Mr. Martin-O’Brien managed projects for both CDBG and HOME, including preparation of the County’s Analysis of Impediments. As a Housing Program Specialist with the City of Burlington Community and Economic Development Office, he managed the HOME program and served as the City’s Davis-Bacon, Section 3, and Environmental Review officer. Mr. Martin-O’Brien holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Urban Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee