Our Global Development practice conducts agenda-setting research, rigorously evaluates development interventions, and translates and builds capacity on innovative practices across development sectors. Our teams of experts are skilled at evaluation designs and data collection methodologies that incorporate quantitative, qualitative, and geospatial techniques for large and small organizations and interventions. We specialize in conducting assessments and special studies including desk studies, program reviews, data quality assessments, political economy analyses, meta-evaluations, and biodiversity analyses.

The Cloudburst Group is seeking qualified consultants and subcontractors to join our growing team in our Global Development practice area. We are looking for persons and/or organizations with international training and technical assistance expertise in the following cross-cutting areas:


  • Anti-Corruption, Democracy, and Governance
  • Civil Society, Media, and Government Accountability
  • Human Rights and Rule of Law
  • Elections, Political Processes, and Democratic Transitions
  • Economic Growth and Agriculture
  • Environment, Climate Change, and Disaster Resiliency
  • Women, Youth, and Social Inclusion
  • Customary, Rural, and Urban Land Tenure, Property Rights, and Land Governance
  • Natural Resource Management
  • Post-Conflict and Post-Disaster Environment
  • Resilient Communities and Sustainable Cities
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene

Consultants and subcontractors should have demonstrated experience with donors such as USAID, U.S. Department of State, Millennium Challenge Corporation, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO), United Nations agencies, the European Union, etc.

To respond to this RFQ, please complete the Global Development Consultant and Subcontractor Applicant form by following this hyperlink or scanning the below QR code.


This application form will ask you to provide your requested hourly rates for the next three years (potential consultants only), paragraph bio/summary of experience, and current CV/resume, so please have this information ready.

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions.


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